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2.0 很差

分类:紀錄片 英國 2011

主演:理查德·哈蒙德 詹姆斯·梅 



《急速檔:大電影》是由知名导演未知执导的一部紀錄片,理查德·哈蒙德 詹姆斯·梅 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Cars! Film  ! Cars  on film! Film involving cars! Y ou get the idea. It's  basically a DV  D involving those two th ings.   Gasp as we find   the perfect drift car for a gritty, Bourne Identity- style chase! Che er as we stage a race fo r all those unsung heroes  of the movie industry ! Whoop as we find t he ca r tha  t makes the perfect dramatic exhaus t note to  dub onto an action  sequence!  Make some other sort of noise we  haven't  thought of  yet as we r e-attempt  the classic Man With The Golden Gun barrel  roll, having frankly mad e a total ha sh of it  when we first tried it on   telly   ! All this plus a vast fleet of sexy supercars a nd a  man with a jet pack raci ng a  Skoda.  To p Gear At The M ovies. It&# 39;s  better  than an a ctua l mo vie. Probab ly. Actually, it  depends on  which movie we';re talking about. Truth is, you' ;d be better judging this on  a case-by-case basis . Why no t write to us  with the name of a film  and w e'll tell you  whether  this Blu-ray is better or not. Actually, on  second thoug hts, don 't  此时,球中的陆灵蹊在小小的水镜中,清楚地看到了外面的一切,她小心地戳了戳蓝玉板上的另一个好像半圆的符文,腰间一股柔力袭来 ,把她挤到一边,一张好像全由小网织成的东西  ,从两端连结到到 一起,看着……似乎是可以 躺的。

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